С 15 по 22 октября 2013 года во Львове пройдёт международный молодёжный обменный проект. Проект организуется в рамках программы "Молодёжь в действии". В проекте участвует молодёжь из Украины, Белоруссии, Латвии и Литвы. Во время проекта молодёжь будет исследовать и развивать навыки предпринимательства и предпринимательской деятельности по преодолению гендерных стереотипов и планирования успешной профессиональной карьеры.

About the project

The present Project is designed to the Youth Exchange Program in the sphere of nonformal education of the Eastern Partnership and the European Union, where participants of the age about 17-20 take part.

The aim: to develop entrepreneurship skills and business activities of young people by overcoming gender stereotypes and plan a successful professional career.
Time of the project: 15.10.2013.-22.10.2013.

The participating states: Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania.
The number of participants: 5 young people (4 participants+1 group leader) from each country (20 participants in total), 5 volunteers  - 25 people in total.

The exchange consists of interactive workshops on different aspects of business activity, role of entrepreneurship for young people, debates about discrimination and gender stereotype, sessions for studying gender and cultural identity with the focus on intercultural learning. All the workshops  have participating character, using the "learning by doing" approach, exercising a variety of methods such as role games, work in teams, art & multimedia and drama.

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